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Hamaxagoga was written as a tool to produce huge, random test XML files based on XML Schemas. Other requirements were:

Take me to the docs !

The ant task is documented here, the javadocs you can download via sourceforge or generate it from the code.

Status and warning

Hamaxagoga was written over a period of 2-3 years, in which every now and then some code was added. It was for the author also a test vehicle to try out certain Jakarta libraries.

So, Hamaxagoga is neither complete nor state-of-the-art. In fact, if there are other applications with similar objectives, let me know, and I will publish their project homes here.

Fuzzy Testing

Hamaxagoga is a test data generation tool that can be used for socalled fuzzy testing. This works as follows:

In Hamaxagoga, the crap is XML, based on certain XML Schemas.

Some pointers to fuzzy testing:


The next piece of XML is generated by Hamaxagoga from the CAP standard from OASIS:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ns1:valueName xmlns:ns1="urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:cap:1.1">sL2J1KtXvPSocyVF6</ns1:valueName>

Hamaxagoga takes a random root element (the default option; Hamaxagoga does have the option to provide the root element which must be used) and creates a piece of XML from it. In this case valueName, which is just a simple element and which datatype is an XML string. Hamaxagoga subsequently generates a random string as content.


Amongst Others:

Use with Ant

The easiest way is to download the ant distribution. Extract all jar files in the lib directory of Ant. Then in your build.xml, add something like:

<taskdef name="xmlGen" classname="org.taHjaj.wo.hamaxagoga.GeneratorTask" />

In a target you can then use:

<xmlGen xsd="${xsd}" destDir="tmp2" count="100"/>

Use from another tools and applications